Those electric fences and the pain they give.

The moon this morning, slightly covered with thin clouds.

There´s a chilly nip in the air this evening and I think we´ll get frost once again tonight. The sun has been shining all day and there´s very few clouds up in the air. Some geese just flew over my cottage loudly honking all the way to the lake. There´s a fire in the stove and soon I´ll make myself a pot of tea and a couple of sandwiches.

Today it was Orvars turn to learn that many fences hurts when walking in to them, for the second time actually 🙂 We were walking down to the creek and when we had passed the highland cattle I heard a scream and saw how he and Hector jumped in to the cattle 🙂 The poor boy just ran around not knowing where to go after that electric shock. The cattle however got scared by his shout so they kept a good distance from us.

Nova seemed to realize that it wouldn´t be vice to get to close so I had some troubles unhook  the electric wire so we could pass the gate. After we had done that I checked and double checked and checked one more time so I had put the wires back the right way and that there were no risk of them unhooking again 🙂 🙂 🙂

Otherwise we all enjoyed our walk and the next time we came close to a fence all dogs kept a good distance from it 🙂 But there´s still a lot of mosquitoes flying around here so I hope that the eveny´tual frost, if it comes, will kill most of them. Moose flies seems to have become fewer though and that brings me joy 🙂

No SciFi night at channel six but they show “Interview with the vampire” on another channel so I guess I´ll see that, if I don´t fall asleep on the sofa of course 🙂 🙂 🙂 It´s the first movie that I thought that Tom Cruise was a good actor 🙂 🙂 Well it is time to make that tea and those sandwiches.                                                                                                     Have a great day!

18 thoughts on “Those electric fences and the pain they give.

  1. LOVE the photos! 🙂
    Poor Orvar 😦

    I had to laugh 😀 because I TOTALLY agree that Interview with a Vampire was the first movie where Tom Cruise wasn’t playing himself!
    and Collateral Damage, He was good in that too but that’s about it.
    I’m not a big fan
    Take care, Cindi

    • Hi Cindi!
      I felt so sorry for that big kind bear, he looked so confused and scared nor knowing what to do or where to go. I do hope he has learned not to walk in to those electric fences again.

      I´m not a big fan of him either but he was good in Born the fourth of July too.

      Have a great day!

    • Hi Joyce!
      He can act every now and again 🙂 🙂 🙂
      I do hope Orvar learns fast that some fences do hurt a lot. Nova has though 🙂

      Have a great day!

  2. Hi Christer, I still don’t think Tom Cruise can act! I feel for Orvar! I tried climbing over an electric fence in the Quebec country side of Canada and got zapped, not fun! I hope they bring Sci-Fi night back for you soon! enjoy your weekend!

    • Hi Robin!
      Well I have to say he is good in this movie and in Born the fourth of July, but I´m not a fan of his 🙂 🙂

      I guess many of us has felt the anger of electric fences 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I do hope that too, as it is now they have spread the sci fi programs on several days and often so late that I sleep when they send them.

      Have a great day!

  3. Christer, are those flowers in the last photo from your garden? Beautiful. I think those electric fencing is only good for certain applications. I’ve seen dogs around here hurt by them. And Tom Cruise? Don’t know him.

    • Hi Z&M!
      No those flowers are hibiscuses. I can have them in the garden during summer though because they love that.

      I think the electric fences are better than the barbed wires they would use otherwise. They help keeping Nova closer to home too 🙂

      🙂 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day!

  4. most farmers here use electric fence, I guess theyre just more effective and economical, taking less posts and last longer maybe.I feel so bad for the poor dog,, tough lesson.Great photos and I see Autumn is really making its mark.The sun sets here now at 8 pm,, thats a sure sign of whats to come, they had snow just a bit north from us, we met cars on the highway with snow packed under the wheels.The only movie I watched with Tom Cruise in is War of The Worlds, I enjoyed that movie.Have a great weekend,,

    • Hi Laurie!
      I do feel sorry for any living thing walking in to those fences but they are better than barbed wires. This might hurt but doesn´t give any nasty wounds if running in to them.

      Here ths sun sets at 7:06 pm but the light will stay till around 8. But I haven´t heard about any bigger snowfalls even at the most north here yet. It has been unusually warm this autumn.

      I liked that movie but I think he could have done better 🙂

      Have a great day!

  5. Hi Christer,
    More electric fence woes! Poor Orvar. I agree that the electric fences are probably better than barbed wire. Those Highland cattle would most likely ignore barbed wire anyway. Our yearling bulls often did. A well placed jolt of electricity backs them off very quickly.
    I see you caught a dragonfly in your lens.
    Enjoy your sandwiches and Interview with the Vampire. I thought that was a very good book but I haven’t seen the movie.

    • Hi Caryn!
      I too think these fences are much better when it comes to the highland cattle. No deep and uggly wounds on any other animals as well wich happened often with the barbed wire.

      We have surprisingly many dragonflies here yet! I thought their time was over until I saw lots of them yesterday 🙂

      Even though the movie is good its nothing compared to the book, the book is great!

      Have a great day!

  6. Tough day for Orvar, but those cows certainly looked content and almost cuddly with all that long hair(?). I do like a few Tom Cruise movies – Risky Business being one and a recent one with Cameron Diaz. Interview with a Vampire would not be on my viewing list no matter who was in it. Just the title alone gives me goose bumps. Enjoy the tea and sandwiches and have a great weekend. Frost, can a snowfall be far behind?

    • Hi Beatrice!
      Yes poor Orvar the giant bear, he was so sad and confused. But I can tell You that the cows wasn´t that content after the shouting and then suddenly seing us in the pasture 🙂 🙂 🙂 But they did keep their distance so I was never worried about them 🙂 🙂

      I haven´t seen any of those movies but I must say that Interview with the vampire is very good, the book is even great! It isn´t about killing lots of people really. To be honest its about family problems (even though the problems sort of are extreme) a gay family problems since it is two male vampires living together with their “daughter” extremely well played by Kirsten Dunst.

      We never got frost, clouds came and covered the sky last night.
      Have a great day!

  7. Poor Orvar. Now, maybe, all will stay away from the fences. I hate them but, even more, I hate the collars they use on dogs. Most people set them too high and the poor dogs jump high from the pain. Yes, winter is coming to your neck of the woods and soon the trees will be gorgeous. We’re just starting. I’ve been very busy trying to get everything put by and have had to read blogs in bunches. Phew! Will be glad when things settle. Enjoy your tea and whatever movies they’ll play.

    • HI Sharlene!
      I´m not sure he actually understands that it is the fence giving him these nasty pains 🙂 But I can happily say that those collars are stricktly forbidden to use here in Sweden 🙂 Unfortunately they aren´t forbidden to sell, only use. As You say they set them too high and it seems the owners enjoys the pain they give their dogs??

      I hope winter stays away for yeat a month or two though, frost never came because clouds covered the sky 🙂 But now in the morning it’s clear again 🙂

      Have a great day!

  8. Konstigt att inte någon av dina “kommentatorer” gillade Tom Cruise!? Jag är ju inte heller speciellt förtjust i honom, men några borde ju vara det eftersom han är så pass populär som han är.
    Igår var vi nere till ett område med jättestora strandängar och gick med Santos lös för första gången. Vi hade ju inte en aning om hur han skulle uppträda men det funkade jättebra!
    Jag hade fickan full med baconluktande hundgodis och det fungerade perfekt. Han sprang iväg 10-20 meter, sen lyssnade han på “Hit” och kom tillbaka direkt, satt sig vid mig och fick en pytteliten bit. Så där höll vi på ett antal gånger, sen lydde han utan godis – men det var naturligtvis utan nått som störde honom. Alltså inga rabbisar, inga andra människor och framförallt inga andra hundar!
    När vi sen vände kom tillbaka till bilen så hade jag sparat några bitar för säkerhets skull, alltså om han inte ville gå in i bilen. Men han gick direkt fram, hoppade upp och la sig i buren. Nu håller jag tummarna att det ska gå lika bra idag! Och som tur var, några elstängsel fanns inte i det här området. Det är inget kul när dom råkar ut för det!!

    • Tjänare Susie!
      Han har väl gjort bort sig en gång för mycket nu den stackars cruise 🙂

      Så skönt att det gick bra med Santos lös, här skall vi börja träna med Nova så fort det går att gå omkring i kohagen, men jag är rädd att det är för mycklet jaktvilja i henne. Men på något sätt har jag ju lyckats förr med att få dem till att hålla sig lugna så vem vet 🙂

      Nä det är inte kul när de går in i elstängsel men det kan hjälpa att hålla dem nära trots allt 🙂 🙂

      Ha det gott!

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