Fish and rice.

I had to go to the super market this morning, Sune has a worried stomach and I guess it is all treats he’s been given since he does what he is supposed to outdoors. Old dogs can take that treat (that really is a dog food I never would give my dogs, but it is great as a treat now and again) but apparently it was too tough for little Sune. So I went away and bought frozen fish and rice, that will be his dinners until the stomach calms down. I might continue with boiled chicken after a while if it takes time to calm down that stomach of his.


Sunshine, strong winds and rather chilly this morning. Perfect because all flies will stay hidden in the trees and bushes πŸ™‚



I think this is the first time they all look at the same direction πŸ™‚


Always looking for hares, even when she eats grass.


I learned that from a vet while he was screaming at me that I must be the most stupid person in the world not doing so from the beginning. Until then I never had had any stomach problems and just didn’t know how to treat it so I admit that it took too long until I went to the vet. You might think I would dislike that vet after that but no, I prefer people telling me I’m an idiot if I actually am one. I just hate vets (and others) that just gives lots of excuses and sucks up to me as a pet owner almost blaming the pet for any illness.




A wasp nest had fallen down from the trees. No wasps left thankfully.



Nova will of course also get some of it, otherwise she most likely won’t eat at all πŸ™‚ The other two really doesn’t care what they get as long as they get something πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I’m almost finished with all planting and replanting of the seedlings for this year. There are still some seeds that won’t germinate until next year as best but they are placed on the north side of my cottage, they still will get sunshine wich isn’t too good but soon the sun won’t go around the cottage any more.








The weather will stay sort of stable the coming days so I’ll rest today as one should during a vacation but tomorrow I’ll mow the lawn again. This time the grass won’t be too high or too wet so maybe it will work having the collector attached to it. Last time all the grass just smeared Β and refused to leave the cutting blade πŸ™‚ I’ll also start digging new flower beds or perhaps just expand those I have. Β Then the problem comes to keep the cats away from what they see as a huge litter box and to keep the dogs away from cleaning up after them πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ But it usually helps pouring coffee over the ground, for some reason my cats just hate coffee πŸ™‚


I tried to have Sune leashed to Nova again yesterday. She worked great but Sune didn’t work at all πŸ™‚


He just couldn’t leave her alone so they both almost ended up in a ditch πŸ™‚


The first ripe raspberry in the forest. It was delicious!



It is time for some breakfast Β and perhaps I’ll watch some tv while eating. It’s mostly reruns they show during summers but looking at tv doesn’t really mean looking at it πŸ™‚


What’s that interesting smell?


Wild pork chops perhaps πŸ™‚


Have a great day!

22 thoughts on “Fish and rice.

  1. Det kan vara nΓ₯git riktigt otΓ€ckt som luktar, fΓΆr ibland sΓ₯ smakar det mest Γ€ckliga fΓΆrmodligen som skinkstek eller grillad kyckling fΓΆr hundar – fast man inte kan fΓΆrstΓ₯ hur dom kan Γ€ta det! 😦
    Min erfarenhet Γ€r dock att katter Γ€r betydligt krΓ€snare och inte Γ€ter precis vad som helst. Ja, fΓΆrutom dΓΆda fΓ₯glar och mΓΆss och sΓ₯nt fΓΆrstΓ₯s. Men det Γ€r ju egentligen inte Γ€ckligt, det Γ€r ju rent kΓΆtt!! 😦 😦
    Precis exakt nu sΓ₯ kΓ€nde jag nΓ₯tt som krΓΆp pΓ₯ armen pΓ₯ mig – och vad skΓ₯dade mitt vΓ€nstra ΓΆga? Jo, en liten fΓ€stingnymf! Man brukar ju inte kΓ€nna dom nΓ€r dom Γ€r mindre Γ€n ett knappnΓ₯lshuvud, men jag tror jag har utvecklat ett 6:e sinne; ett fΓ€stingkΓ€nselsinne! *fniss*
    Gick ut kl 8 och bΓΆrjade med att klippa grΓ€set, pΓ₯ innertomten, fΓΆrtrΓ€dgΓ₯rden och runt garaget och boden. Sen fortsatte jag med att ta rΓ€tt pΓ₯ hΓ€lften av riset jag klippte den frΓ₯n Kerria-busken igΓ₯r. (Rolle skulle ta hand om det igΓ₯r, kom in och hade bara fixat hΓ€lften. Han sΓ₯g inte den andra jΓ€ttehΓΆgen!) DΓ€refter har jag “deadheading” i pallkragarna, samt klippt bort en massa pΓ₯ den vΓ₯rblommande klematisen vid ingΓ₯ngen – den bΓΆrjade hΓ€nga ut sΓ₯ man fick vΓ€ja – och sΓ₯ rensade jag lite i stenrabatten nedanfΓΆr. Och nΓ₯gonstans dΓ€r sΓ₯ fick jag alltsΓ₯ en (hoppas jag) fΓ€sting pΓ₯ mig…..

    • Hejsan Susie!

      Tror nog det var nΓ₯got vilt som de luktade efter, Har ju en hel del som gΓ₯r bara precis hΓ€r utanfΓΆr. Dessutom har jag kΓ€nnt doften av gΓΆdsel, sΓ₯ det kanske Γ€r nΓ₯gon som sprider det pΓ₯ fΓ€lten i nΓ€rheten. Men jag hΓ₯ller med ddig, hundat har en fΓΆrmΓ₯ga att gilla stanken av riktigt otrevliga saker πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Jag kan ocksΓ₯ kΓ€nna de dΓ€r riktigt smΓ₯ rackarna, otrevligt! men praktiskt πŸ™‚ Tror det blir sΓ₯ nΓ€r man haft hund i flera Γ₯r πŸ™‚

      HΓ€r har det inte anstrΓ€ngts fΓΆr mycket. GrΓ€vde upp ett par lungΓΆrter, de trivs lite fΓΆr bra hΓ€r hos mig, sprider sig nΓ₯got elakt kan jag sΓ€ga! Planterat en liten ros ocksΓ₯ plus det sista av sΓ₯dderna. Men annars sov vi middag i ΓΆver en timme nyss πŸ™‚

      Ibland vΓ€xer det bara fΓΆr bra och dΓ₯ fΓ₯r man rernsa bort. TyvΓ€rr Γ€r det aldrig vackra saker hΓ€e, bara de elΓ€ndiga syrenerna πŸ™‚

      Ha det gott!

  2. such beautiful photos, but I can see a change in the foliage already, Fall must come early to you as well.Our trees have already lost the bright green, I don’t mean they are turning color, not that but the grass and trees fade a bit, already.The photos of Sune with all the other animals just melts my heart, they have all accepted him so are a lucky man to be surrounded by such joy.

    • Hi Laurie!
      Yes it is changing here now, slowly but still. The first frost usually comes the first week in September here but after that it can stay warm and nice for quite some time. But I am surprised over how much still looks absolutely new here, I guess it is the rain helping with that.

      Yes they have accepted him very fast, didn’t take five minutes!

      Have a great day!

  3. Hi Christer,
    Wild pork chops. πŸ™‚ None of those around me, thankfully.
    I never heard the fish and rice remedy. My vet says boiled ground beef or lamb and rice. It’s probably the rice that is the part that works and the other is there for enticement. Hope Sune’s stomach settles down quickly.

    I have used small pieces of all beef hot dog as treats. They don’t bother the dogs and do have some nutritional value. Rocky is apparently a junk food dog. He absolutely loves Beggin Strips and will not touch “gourmet” doggie treats. He is a polite dog, though, and if you were to offer him one, he would happily take it. Then he would bury it in the yard because, even though he does not want it, no one else is going to have it either.

    We have done our morning walk very early today as it is already rather warm. Something in the yard spooked Rocky and he took off for the door. I didn’t see anything but it sure scared him. Could have been the woodchuck or it could have been a small walnut falling off the tree and pinging him in the butt. πŸ™‚

    Enjoy the day!

    • Hi Caryn!
      I have only seen tracks after them but they say we have rather many of them walking around here now.
      I guess You’re right aout the rice being the important ingredient and boiled fish /lamb/ ground beef are all very easy for the stomach to digest.

      I’ve only found all beef hot dogs with lots of spices in them and I don’t think that would be very wise to use πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ But we have a dog treat with liver in it that is great, I just haven’t found any yet. This dog food is truly loved by dogs even though I see it as a killer if used as food πŸ™‚ But even small pieces was too strong for a puppy it seems. My dogs eat anything, they are so many now that even if they try to hide it there’s always a risk the others will find it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Leafs and butterflies can also be very scary sometimes πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ But a car coming down the road in high speed is usually nothing to be afraid of πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
      Have a great day!

  4. Kokt fisk och ris, det fick jag gΓΆra mΓ₯nga gΓ₯nger Γ₯t Zac nΓ€r han var valp, han Γ₯t stΓ€ndigt och jΓ€mt hΓ€stskit och annat som han blev dΓ₯lig i magen av:) Underbar bild pΓ₯ Sune nΓ€r han sniffar i luften:) Ha det gott/Monne

    • TjΓ€nare Monne!
      Samma hΓ€r, Hector Γ€r mer eller mindre uppfΓΆdd pΓ₯ det πŸ™‚ Orvar Γ₯ andra sidan kunde Γ€ta precis vad som helst och Γ€ndΓ₯ mΓ₯ toppen πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Ha det gott!

  5. hi christer! hahahaha….wild pork chops! i give teddy rice when her stomach gets bad. she gets fish each day but i mix it with the rice when she is sick. i love the photo of sune and theodor. how cute. i can’t tell by the photos but is sune growing much? maybe he is going to be a little pup! joyce

    • Hi Joyce!
      I wonder if he saw himself as the big hunter, chasing wild pork chops πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
      I normally don’t give them fish, I don’t know why though. Mostly I buy some liver to mix in the food instead. Force of habit I guess πŸ™‚

      I was just thinking about that, if he grows at all πŸ™‚ But he was as big as Bertil when he arrived and now he’s as big as Teodor so I guess he is growing πŸ™‚ I was looking at his paws the other day, they look like bear paws πŸ™‚ So my guess is that he will be rather big, just slightly smaller than Hector and Orvar. Otherwise he will look really funny with a sort of hefty but small body πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  6. hi christer! teddy has HUGE paws. my thumb is okay. it still doesn’t have too much feeling. i can’t bend it at the knuckle either. i make myself use it as much as possible and i do some physical therapy too. hopefully eventually it will work again!

    • Hi Joyce!
      I do wonder how big Sune will be πŸ™‚ He might be something in size like Teddy then, who knows πŸ™‚

      You really cut Your thumb bad! I guess it will take quite som time until that thumb of Yours is back to normal, but I do hope it goes quickly!

      Have a great day!

  7. Hi Christer, hope Sune is feeling better soon. Wonder if that fish and rice would work for humans as well when we get a bad stomach feeling as Grenville had last night. Have you ever tried it? The photos of Sune and Bertil were very cute today. It seems as if he is well accepted in your household. Hope you do take some time to enjoy your vacation now that the rain has stopped.

    • Hi Beatrice!
      I do hope so too! But he is jumping around like always so I doubt he’s feeling especially bad.

      They do recommend food like that to people that has stomach problems, it is light food and doesn’t worry the stomach at all but forget most of the spices! It will taste absolutely nothing πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      He got accepted after just a few minutes. I have enjoyed this day to the fullest, even if I did do a few things πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  8. You can probably guess which photo will grace the pages of Caturday. So sweet. Sorry Sune got a tummy upset. Glad you’ve got the right food for him. He’s sooo cute.

    • Hi Z&M!
      Puppies always get worried stomachs πŸ™‚ but I do hope it will calm down soon!

      He is a cute little monster πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  9. Christer,
    I love poor Nova trying to contend with Sune, and I loved Sune getting rubbed. Gracie chased one of my cats when I first brought her home and was bullied by the other. She doesn’t chase the cat any more, but she is still bullied.

    I had to feed one of my dogs boiled chicken and rice when she had an upset stomach. When she was better, it took a while before she’d eat regular dog food.

    • Hi Kat!
      She really tried but Sune just destroyed everything πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
      Strangely enough Sune never tried to catch any of the cats, I think he just feel sorry for those very strange dogs πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Boiled chicken is the next step here if it continues to stay worried for a longer time and it is always a problem to go back to the usual food after this πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Old Erna could start a hunger strike until she realized it was useless, I do have a heart of stone when it comes to those things πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  10. yep, boiled ground beef and rice is what I’ve been told. And cottage cheese. and after that a lamb and rice dry food? maybe?
    Do you want me to send you some puppy treats? I could send what we use at the kennel!
    πŸ˜€ – Cindi

    • Hi Cindi!
      I guess we’ve used what is most common around us. Fish and chicken over here and ground beef and lamb over at Yours πŸ™‚ But I’ve never heard of cottage cheese, I didn’t think a puppy could eat dairy products at all.

      Thank You but I’ll be out later today myself to see what I can find πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

  11. I also use honey with young pups because it’s full of protein and so easy to digest. I guess you’ve had your hour and a half of summer 😎 😎 ? Should be much easier, now, with less flies… Love Sune and Teodor. What a great photo session. Gonna be a big dog, that’s for sure. Have a great day and try to get some photos of those wild pork chops!

    • Hi Sharlene!
      I use fructose if they seem to loose energy, but normally I don’t have that here at home. But I do have honey! I think I’ll put some in his food tomorrow! Thanks for the tip!

      Yes I think You’re right! We’ve had our summer and autumn is already here πŸ™‚ I sure hope that doesn’t mean winter comes early πŸ™‚
      Those pork chops always run away long before I even come close πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!

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