Finally Friday.

The birthday kid eating the last residues of a pigs ear.

Finally Friday 🙂 It has been a good week to be honest but it is always nice when the weekend comes. I started the day by giving my dogs ox hide bones after breakfast, after all it is Novas second birthday 🙂 and I think she has been here for half a year as well.

Foggy morning today.

The work day passed quickly and I went to a bigger store after work to buy a mitre (have no idea if this is the right word, it is googles sugestion 🙂 🙂 ) and crosscut saw. I am a bit of machine freak 🙂 and I do need one for about five minutes when I fix the last wall on my cottage 🙂 🙂 🙂

It almost looks as if it is made of wood.

When I came home we continued Novas birthday, well I gave them some pigs ears as a dessert and now they all are sleeping like puppies 🙂 I was supposed to make myself an apple pie but I´m just to tired to start baking one now, so I´ll make one tomorrow instead. My apples are just beginning to be ripe enough for a pie 🙂

Beside the problems with the modem (which I´ll buy a new one instead of arguing with my internet company) I have also had problems with Safari after the latest updates I made. It just won´t work as it should, so now I´m back to internet explorer again. I have to say that they have made it much better and I´have to admit, very unvillingly, that I like it 🙂 🙂 🙂

Isn´t this a cool looking moth!

We still have lots of butterflies here.

I think I´ll have a fire in the stove tonight even though it isn´t especially cold. But it feels a bit chilly here in the kitchen and a fire in the stove is always nice anyway. I could of course make a pie then or a cobbler to make it even more easy 🙂 Not much of a SciFi night at channel six tonight, they send two horror movies instead?! House of wax with Paris Hilton and after that From dusk till dawn. I think i´ll watch a dvd instead, perhaps Fried green tomatoes.

My first sweet pea to flower. I did sow them very late to be honest 🙂 🙂

But the geraniums has kept on flowering all summer.

But first I´ll have to get out to the wood shed so I can start that fire and then I´ll get out in to the cyberspace to read blogs and check out what´s happening on Facebook.                                                                                                                                          Have a great day!

14 thoughts on “Finally Friday.

  1. Hi Christer,
    Love the photo of Bertil on the stairs with a butterfly net? And the moth is really cool! Great markings on the wings. It looks like a wood chip.
    The dogs had a lovely day for Nova’s birthday. I usually celebrate by giving the dog a hamburger “cake” with a candle in it. He has to sit while I sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candle for him. Then he can gobble it up. Doesn’t work too well with cats, though. For some reason they never learn that candles singe whiskers. 🙂
    It’s cool here today. Only 70F even though the sun is shining. I guess that means I have no excuse for not pulling off more wallpaper and painting some more wall. It’s Friday. Who does that stuff on Friday, anyway? 😀
    Enjoy the rest of day.

    • Hi Caryn!
      No not a butterfly net, it is a net for catching daphnia in ponds to feed the aquarium fish with. My favorite today is the last with the spider and web.

      I normally never celebrates my dogs birthdays but I thought it was reason since Nova actually survived her two first years concidering her first year. So now I have to celebrate the boys birthday as well 🙂 🙂
      Cats doesnb´t sem to understand that fire is hot 🙂 🙂

      Of course one doesn´t do that kind of job on a friday 🙂

      Have a great day!

  2. Låter som om du har det ganska gott 🙂 Jag har haft snickare på taket hela veckan o nu är det tätt… Ska bara upp tegel på sista gaveln. Känns bra inför höstregnen!
    Ha´t himla gôrgôtt

    • Tjänare Nina!
      Jo det är ganska gott här, speciellt sedan jag det blev drag i skortsenen så att jag kunde börja elda, för tio minuter sedan ungefär 🙂 🙂

      Gott att du fått fixat taket! Då kan man slappna av en lång tid framöver 🙂

      Ha det gott!

  3. Härligt att du också firar dina hundars födelsedagar, det har vi också alltid gjort. Vår strävhårige och alltid hungriga tax Brasse fick Big Mac, vi bodde ju i Stockholm då. Och allt gick åt, även sallad med dressing och gurka!
    Penny som var betydligt mindre i maten och inte så vansinnigt sugen jämt, hon fick godis – helst kattgodis – och så fick hon räkor!
    Till vår stora glädje kan jag meddela att “förmodligen” blir vi med hund igen om ett par veckor. Det är en Podengo Portuguise (en liten “urhund”) som är 4 år och heter Max och väger 5,5 kg. Alltså ungefär som Penny.
    Han har tagits ur aveln, kastrerats och bor nu hos kennelägarens dotter – men hon har tyvärr blivit allvarligt sjuk. Det finns också en champion på 4 år i kenneln som ska omplaceras, men kennelägaren tror att vi är dom rätta för Max – och Max den rätta för oss. Vi ska ju inte heller ställa ut – kastrerade hundar får inte det – så det är nog bättre än med en champion som ska betäcka en massa tjejer på fastlandet.
    Du kan titta på min blogg, la nyss upp lite bilder.

    • Tjänare Susie!

      Normalt brukar jag inte fira vare sig min eller hundarnas födelsedagar. Men bara det att Nova lyckats bli två år gammal efter det första vidriga året hon hade tycker jag var skäl att fira.

      Så roligt att ni troligen har en ny hund igen 🙂 Har sett den rasen några gånger och den verkar riktigt trevlig!

      Ha det gott!

  4. Gratta lilla Nova från mig;) Vi brukar också alltid ge våra katter något litet extra när de fyller år:) Hoppas att vi får en fin helg så att vi kan fortsätta med våra projekt i trädgården. Ha det gott/Monne

    • Tjänare Monne!
      Brukar normalt inte fira deras eller min födelsedag men bara det att Nova klarat av två år med tanke på hennes första levnadsår är ju ett skäl nog tycker jag 🙂

      Bara det inte regnar blir jag glad, behöver klippa gräset och dessutom funderar jag på att gräva upp ett par vresrosor.

      Ha det gott!

  5. I think you are the king of spider pictures. You have a good eye for them as shown in this blog and other photos. Glad Nova enjoyed her birthday and everyone had a good time. We don’t have any family plans for the long weekend here because son in law got a big job offer up in Washington, D.C. and the weekend will be spent baby sitting while they get moving bids. Maybe Monday we can meet for a cookout. A huge surprise is when he got the job offer, they want him to report in two weeks. That’s not a lot of time to get it together, if you know what I mean. So my daughter is trying to manage her work until they find a replacement and fly up to DC to find a new home, a rental for sure. It’s going to be interesting.

    • Hi Z&M!
      I was lucky with this spider photo. It is placed just beneath my night lamp by my entrance door and got hit by the sun just when I was going in 🙂

      Great that he got a job offer like that, but as You say it is very short notice! I do hope he will like his new job and the climate up in Washinton D.C.

      Have a great day!

  6. I have a picture in my mind of your Terrific Trio sleeping like puppies. Very sweet and cuddled up, I hope. They wore themselves out with the pig’s ears. Great birthday gift!! The moth looks like it has been sculpted and drawn, very unusual markings! I have a hyacinth bean that is just now blooming; didnt get it out of its nursery container till late July. I don’t think it is going to have time to set beans. Ornamental anyway. We have a huge number of cherry tomatoes all ripening at once. I guess I will have to send some with my husband to his work! Have fun with your power tools; be careful now!

    • Hi Robin!
      They were more scattered around the cottage but it was peaceful for a couple of minutes anyway 🙂

      I don´t think I´ve ever seen a moth like that before, it looks like a piece of bark from one of the birches 🙂

      I had to check what a hyacinth bean is and I don´t think I´ve ever seen that one before. Looks beautiful but I wonder if it has tha chance to flower here.
      I do get the occasional tomato ripe enough here now but I guess I´ll have plenty green ones that never will ripe here. It´s just to cold during night now.

      Have a great day!

  7. Happy Birthday Nova! I think her best present is her furry brothers and her new Papa! 😀
    I love that photo of Bertil. Every photo of that cat makes me see a painting in my mind!
    Love that spider photo, I never could get a photo like that. You are truly talented.
    On Facebook? I’m “trying” to be on that more but I really prefer my blog reading.
    But, how can I find you on Facebook? (I’m clueless over there! LOL!)
    😀 – Cindi

    • Hi Cindi!
      Well she did enjoy those things to eat a lot 🙂 🙂

      Everyone loves that angry little cat 🙂 🙂

      You should be able to find me since You have my name and adress. Just search on my name and my town and I should pop up 🙂

      Have a great day!

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