And off we all went to work.

The day is just as beautiful as the others has been this easter weekend, sunny and warm with just the tiniest breeze. But I had to scrape ice from the car windows this morning also. It´s usually said that we´ve had our last night with frost for the season a´round June 10th. Orvar, Hector and Nova followed me to work and naturally people came to see them 🙂 I don´t think Orvar or Nova minded being there but Hector wasn´t to happy. He doesn´t like noise and there´s a lot of noise where i work.

These deep holes, remains from the lake, is filled with plants one only can find in a lake so I doubt that they have dried out totally. But since trees has been growing rather far in to it I don´t think that there is any fish in them still.

I had to go to the grocery store on my way home to buy some things. It was way to warm in the car so I opened the two car windows I can open and tied their leashes around the doors window frame and placed my dogs in the shadow outside the car on the pavement. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised to see all three dogs inside the car when I came back after ten minutes 🙂 🙂 They had all jumped in to the car via the open window.

This wouldn´t have been a problem if they all could jump well, but Orvar just can´t jump especially high. So now I have lots of scratch marks on the car door after his claws 🙂 🙂 🙂 I forgot to take a photograph but I´ll try to remember it later today.

Buds on the lilacs.

It´s Easter eve that is the big day at easter here, but I noticed that there was very little happening in the blog world yesterday so I guess it is the sunday that is the big day outside Sweden. So I got lots of time doing other things yesterday. I pruned a wild rose, not because they need pruning really but because I haven´t been able to pass it these last four years 🙂 I also pruned a Hawthorn and my wild apple. All three have lots of sharp thorns and I scratched my arms a lot 🙂 🙂

We have three species of lizards living in Sweden, this is one of them. It´s legless and we call it Copper Lizard (or Copper snake).

The very much hated Lily beetle. Both the adults and the young ones eats lilies and fritilarias. If one squeezes them between the fingers they can scream out loud.

I also pruned two big Lilacs. You who have read my blog for a while know I really don´t like them, so I pruned them in all the wrong ways in hope that they will catch something and die fast 🙂 🙂 I have a small oak growing between them and even if trees really don´t grow that fast here, this one almost doesn´t grow at all. I think it is because the lack of space for it. Next time I´ll use my chainsaw I´ll cut down those lilacs totally. I have a lot of them so I won´t miss them at all.

The Gooseberry flower. It´s actually quite beautiful.

All dogs and cats are sleeping and I would like to take a nap too, but I´m afraid I won´t fall asleep later if I nap now. So I´ll have a pot of tea and a sandwich or two instead. I think I´ll have it on the kitchen stairs today 🙂                                                                                               Have a great day now!

Scilla siberica.

22 thoughts on “And off we all went to work.

  1. Hi Christer,
    I’m laughing at your surprise to see the dogs in the car:))
    I picture very funny.
    I do not understand one thing … when you press the buzzer it screams. Or is the person who screams?
    Wow it’s so nice to see everything blooming:)
    a good day and kisses to all

    • Hi Didi!
      I got really surprised seeing them in the car 🙂 🙂 🙂
      It´s the beetle that scream and it sounds really nasty. I hate doing that but I really don´t those insects to eat my lilies 🙂

      Have a great day now!

  2. Hi Christer,
    None of my dogs would have been able to jump back into the car. They have all been small terrier sized dogs. The Jack Russell probably could have since she could clear 4 feet from a standing start. It would never have crossed her mind to do that since outside of the car was always much more interesting.
    I leave my dog inside the car if I have to do an errand. I park in the shade and I have grates that I can insert into the car windows. They let plenty of air into the car but are sturdy and keep the dogs inside.
    Great photos today. I love the 10th one of the new leaves that are just starting to open and the Elderberry flower one as well. The legless lizard is cool. The screaming bug is a lovely color but knowing that it screams when squished, I think I would not squish it. I’d flush it instead so I couldn’t hear it over the rushing water. 🙂
    Thank you for the comment about my photos on Facebook.
    Have a great day.

    • Hi Caryn!
      I only wish that Orvar would be great at jumping too 🙂 🙂 Hector jumps easily over 1,2 yards and Nova isn´t far below. Orvar most probably tried to walk in through the window 🙂
      Someone would most probably have called the police if I had left them in the car a sunny day here, even if the car stood in the shadow and after that they most probably would have beaten me. So I never leave a dog in my car a warm and sunny day 🙂 🙂

      It is a nasty sound it makes and the only way of getting rid of them is either squishing them or spray them with a soap solution. Water doesn´t seem to bother them unless it´s so much that they will drown.

      Your photographs on FB are magnificent!

      Have a great day now!

  3. hi christer….i bet it would have been a funny scene to watch the dogs jumping back in the car. i wonder who jumped in first? i love seeing all of the spring pics. i know how happy you must be to finally have good weather. eater day is the big day for us here. it seems that thanksgiving and easter are the big family days. i was busy all day yesterday. i am taking the day off today and not doing much of anything! joyce

    • Hi Joyce!
      It must have been really funny to see Orvar trying 🙂 🙂 🙂 He´s a big kind giant but can´t jump especially high at all 🙂
      I guess it´s Hector that jumped in first because he hates noise and when lots of people is close. Then I guess Nova followed and since Orvar doesn´t like to be alone he must have followed after her 🙂

      I wonder why we in Sweden have our big days on the eve´s? It´s the same with all holidays actually! Easter eve and christmas eve are the two big family holidays over here.

      You deserve a day off after all the cooking You´ve done 🙂

      Have a great day!

  4. I will not — will NOT — squish a bug who screams… too much like the movie, The Fly! I would think it was really someone who went through a transmorgrifier! The spring pix are beautiful. Amazing about the dogs getting back into the car. You would think they would prefer to open air. Why don’t you like lilacs, again? I love them and so look forward to the spring blooms. Enjoy your tea and sandwiches. Have a great day.

    • Hi Sharlene!
      I never get used to that sound to be honest, but I want my lilies and fritillaries left alone 🙂 🙂 🙂

      My guess it was just to much noise for Hector so he preferred a warm car instead 🙂 I would have liked to see it though 🙂 🙂 🙂 I´m just glad that no one saw it because people doesn´t take it lightly if someone leaves their dogs in a warm car over here. I could have gotten a lot of problems if someone had seen it I´m afraid.

      Lilacs are the worst kind of weeds one can find 🙂 The flowers smells wonderful at the beginning but when they starts to wither they actually stink something awful. My hedge is around 45 yards long and I also have other lilacs in the garden. I must dig up the roots with a digger if I will get rid of them. So here I am every spring hoping that they will die by themselves 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day now!

  5. Here in the U.S. we are all very sentimental about Lilacs. I have never noticed a bad smell after the initial fragrance. Maybe you have a different genus of Lilac than we do. I am amazed about the dogs jumping back in the car….those little rascals!! Those beetles sound nasty… we have a similar pest, the Japanese beetle which is a sticky bug, it sticks to the plants. They eat leaves and blooms of all my favorite flowers andveggies. quite distressing. I dont think they scream, but usually I am the one screaming at them!!!

    • Hi Robin!
      I think it is because I have so much lilacs that the smell from the flowers are so nasty. I have two different species here and they both smell very much the same I´m afraid. But having one or two is rather nice 🙂

      I got really surprised seeing them inside the car again 🙂 🙂 At first I thought someone had let them in by opening the door, but then I saw the scratch marks.

      It´s always one or another kind of pest we have on our plants 🙂 But I´m really happy that we don´t have Your Stink bug! One can kill them by covering them in a soap solution but then the whole beetle must be covered so that the breathing ways gets covered and they suffocate. Otherwise they survive long enough to lay eggs and a new generation starts.

      Have a great day now!

  6. Det måste ha sett lustigt ut att de var i bilen alla tre, tur att de inte trasslat in sig i kopplen. Mindre lustigt var ju reporna på bilen. Blir så full i skratt när du beskriver hur du vill att syrenen ska dö:)) Jag höll på att missköta ett par fuchsior undre flera år för jag gillade dem inte men jag tyckte inte om att slänga dem ( knäppt, jag vet) andra dog men INTE de jag ville fast de inte fick vatten ens:)) Ha det gott/Monne

    • Hejsan Monne!
      Ja det kunde gått illa om kopplena dragits åt såpass hårt att de inte kunnat andas. Reporna kanske går att rubba bort, huvudsaken är ju att hundarna mår bra bilen går alltid att fixa.

      Inte knäppt alls, det är så jag gör med mina syrener 🙂 🙂 🙂 Dina fuchsior uppför sig som mina syrener, saker man sköter riktigt bra dör, men inte syrenerna 🙂 🙂

      Ha det gott!

  7. Your life with those dogs . . . now they got to the car. Let’s see that photo. I noticed last Thanksgiving very little activity in blogs I follow. I wasn’t cooking that year so had time to surf the net. So yesterday with all the cooking going on I had no time for my blog. I am guessing others didn’t have the time either. By the was, I love Lilacs. Enjoy your dogs!

    • Hi Z&M!
      But these behaves at least rather well compared to old Viran I had some years ago 🙂 🙂 Photo comes today!

      It´s easy to see when there´s a big holiday in the US, nothing happens here then 🙂 🙂
      I always enjoy yhose dogs even when they drive me mad 🙂

      Have a great day now!

  8. Du har verkligen rätt i att det kunde gått illa för någon i “gänget” när dom hoppade in och var kopplade – dom kan ju faktiskt fastna. När jag skulle åka hiss upp till mina föräldrars våning så hade min tax Brasse väldigt bråttom att komma ur hissen – han älskade att vara hos dom – så han tryckte sig mot hissdörren och kedjan han hade fastnade. Det var bara en helt otrolig tur att exakt då var vi uppe. En tax är ju inte så hög, men hade han varit en Doberman eller hade kedjan fastnat på våningen under hade han kvävts! Sen dess har jag aldrig något halsband på hunden när den lämnas ensam!!
    Skriker liljebaggar!? Hu så hemskt! Tur att jag inte haft några – hitintills. Men ser jag några får jag lägga dom i en burk och spola ner dom istället.
    Det var någon känd djurvän som så att han inte ens fiskade och tillade att om fiskar skrek när man fick upp dom vore det inte många som gjorde det! Ligger faktiskt något i det!!

    • Hejsan Susie!
      Ja det kunde gått illa men tack och lov var kopplen tillräckligt långa!

      Nu hade jag ju inte räknat med att de skulle hoppa in i bilen igen 🙂 men annars har de heller aldrig halsband på sig. Man vet aldrig var de kan fastna 🙂
      Fast å andra sidan äter vi ju andra djur som kan skrika utan att det stör oss, så det vete katten om han har rätt där.

      Ha det gott!

  9. Christer, I was just trying to picture the dogs all in your car and figure it must have been quite a feat for them to jump in. The flower andf forest photos make me forget that just a couple of months ago these areas were coverd in so much snow. And holidays do seem to be slower times for blogging because people are busy with family or just not on the computer very much.

    • Hi Beatrice!
      Well Hector and Nova just jumped in I guess but poor Orvar had to sort of climb in 🙂 🙂 🙂

      It´s amazing how fast the snow disappeared here but I know it will come back again. We are all already talking about the coming winter and how bad it might be 🙂 🙂
      I can always tell when there´s a big holiday in the US because nothing happens here then 🙂 🙂

      Have a great day now!

  10. I think I’d scream to if someone tried to squish me!! Ha Ha! Beautiful photos of your flowers!!
    Don’t you love that spring is finally here….even with the cold days here and there?? 🙂

    • Hi Cindi!
      I most probably would too 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Spring is my favorite season of the year so yes I really love that it´s here 🙂

      Have a great day now!

  11. Hey! That wasn’t me! 🙂 that was Chris! 🙂

    Fantastic photos except for the snake one! I hate it!
    I can’t bare to look at it! I had to move the screen up so I wouldn’t have to look at it!
    I wish they didn’t freak me out so much but I’m terrified of them.
    I can’t even think right now, ewwwwwwww!
    Ok, I’ll try.
    I would to love to have seen Orvar wiggling his way back inside the car, I bet that was a sight to be seen! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    I’m hoping to start working on my yard tomorrow. I have lots to do. My NEW lilac bushes are starting to bud! (tee hee) 🙂 I wish you could dig yours up and send them to me! 🙂 anyway……..
    Take care, Cindi

    • Hi Cindi!
      Well it isn´t a snake at all actually, it´s a lizard 🙂 It just doesn´t have any legs that´s all 🙂 I do like our Copper lizards, they are totally harmless and eat only insects and larvae’s.

      I wish I could have seen that too 🙂 He´s so big that it must have been difficult for him to get in to the car that way 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I would have loved to send You all my lilacs but I´m afraid that the US customs wouldn´t see it as a good thing 🙂 🙂 They come down hard on those trying to bring in plants to the US without permission and certificates.

      Have a great day now!

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